Genesis Allocation

The distribution of the intial 1,000,000,000 (1B) Sonr tokens

Key Observations

  1. Community Pool has the largest token allocation, 2.9x more than the average.
  2. Validator Round received the lowest token allocation among all categories.
  3. Seed Investors’ token count aligns closely with the average allocation.
CategoryTokensKey Points
Investors367,315,175Key for initial funding.
Validators84,057,971Ensures network security.
DEX Sale120,000,000Promotes liquidity.
diDAO280,000,000Govern the ecosystem.
Community Pool1,148,626,854Supports community initiatives and development.

Detailed Breakdown

Investors367,315,175Investors hold a significant portion of tokens, helping sustain the early growth phases. However, it’s not the largest chunk.
Validators84,057,971Validators have the least tokens, possibly hinting at a more decentralized validation process but smaller individual stakes.
Community Pool1,148,626,854The Community Pool tops all with over 1.1B tokens, fostering collective engagement and future growth, greatly exceeding other distributions.
Validator Round84,057,971Only 84M tokens were allocated here, significantly below the average of 400M. Unusually low!
DEX Sale120,000,000Allocated 120M tokens, which is closer to the lower end but still somewhat modest compared to other categories. Noteworthy constraint!

The Token Distribution Scheme details the allocation of tokens across five categories: Seed Investors, Validator Round, DEX Sale, diDAO, and Community Pool. The Community Pool holds the most significant share, while the Validator Round holds the least. This allocation impacts both investment potential and operational security.

Next Steps


Monitor Token Utilization

Track how tokens are being used in each category to ensure alignment with goals.


Evaluate Impact

Review how each allocation impacts network health and community engagement.



Based on performance metrics, adjust token distributions if required, especially focusing on validator incentives to maintain network security.