A graph indexer allows developers to efficiently query the network for information about transactions, addresses, and other data stored on the blockchain. This enables developers to build decentralized applications that can access and display the data in a meaningful way, without having to search through the entire blockchain for each query.

For example, a graph indexer could be used to search for all transactions associated with a particular address or to find all transactions that include a specific token. This type of indexing can greatly improve the speed and efficiency of decentralized applications and make it easier for users to access and analyze the data stored on the blockchain.

List of Graph Indexers


ServiceDescriptionSupportLinks & Features
SatsumaSubgraph Indexerevm
CovalentProvides a Unified API for accessing data from over 100 blockchain networks. Indexing service for all EVM transactions on Sonrevm
  • Get an API Key
  • Docs
  • Cost: Free to use with 100,000 credits to use their API endpoints
NumiaIndexes both EVM and Cosmos transactions on Sonr. Also indexes other chains on the Cosmos ecosystem. The service runs on Google BigQuery and requires users to sign up for their own accounts.cosmos evm
SubQueryA fast, reliable, and decentralised indexer empowering developers to build customised APIs for their web3 projects. Supporting over 100+ networks, get started with our SDK, managed service & decentralised network.cosmos + evm
EnvioEnvio is a full-featured data indexing solution that provides application developers with a seamless and efficient way to index and aggregate real-time and historical blockchain data for any EVM. Designed to optimize the user experience, Envio offers automatic code generation, flexible language support, multi-chain data aggregation, and a reliable cost-effective hosted service.evm